Help for Loving Relationships
Welcome to the place where we courageously discuss the messy and amazing parts of loving relationships. We'll get into complex problems and be inspired by love stories. As a professional counselor for over 25 years, Shane observes what helps and what hurts individuals, marriages, and families. You'll hear from authors and experts as well as everyday heroes who have something to share about strengthening relationships in your community. Get inspired to do hard things as well as find better ways to live, love and parent!
Help for Loving Relationships
Summer Break & Online Course in the Works!
Shane Adamson
Season 3
Episode 13
The podcast will be on break from at least July - Sept.
Related to that, I am excited to announce a new online course coming soon:
Heroic Healing: A Couples' Guide to Healing from Betrayal/Infidelity
This is my first time developing an online course. I am uncertain how much time it will require. I may take a longer break than just summer months if I need the time for course development. I will give listeners a time we will be back releasing episodes this fall. If you have a guest or topic you would like to recommend, please email me at